South Devon

Campaign for Real Ale

Campaign for Real Ale

Torbay Steam Fair 2022

The Torbay Steam Fair returned, after an absence of 3 years, in August 2022. It was held at a new venue at the junction of the Brixham Road and the Dartmouth road in Churston.
It appeared to be well attended by both exhibitors and visitors. There was a vast array of Showman's engines, scale model engines and veteran, vintage & classic cars. Plus an array of other interesting steam exhibits.
It was a very hot day, fortunately we came across the very large beer tent fairly early on! A full bar was available including a surprising selection of real ales from breweries such as Branscombe Vale, Teignworthy, Salcombe, Nethergate, Black Tor, Summerskills and South Hams; plenty to keep us amused for an hour or two. There was also a selection of Ciders.

'Enjoying' the beer tent Some of the beers and ciders available