South Devon

Campaign for Real Ale

Campaign for Real Ale

South Devon CAMRA Sunshine Beer & Cider Festival 2023 - A Report

Held at Teignmouth Rugby Football Club over the weekend of the 21-22 July.
This was to be a festival fraught with problems from day one. Firstly the railways went on strike on the Saturday, then we were told that due to issues with the licence we would be unable to open on the Thursday and finally we found that we were unable to get insurance for our advertised shuttle bus to and from the station.

However despite all that, Friday dawned clear and sunny and visitors began to arrive, the festival had been opened by Cllr. Joan Atkins, Mayor of Teignmouth, and by lunchtime a good crowd were enjoying the beers and ciders. There were several popular 'Meet the Brewer' sessions held in the bar followed, outside, by the Newton Bushell Morris Dancers and at 8pm Rockafella 4 took to the stage outside.

So on Friday the weather had played along and lived up to the Festival's name, however when it came to Saturday we were 'blessed' with 'liquid sunshine' and a gusting wind. This obviously reduced the number of visitors, but those who made the effort seemed to enjoy themselves with most of the beers still being available. Everything now had to be inside, the day was started by the Teignmouth Town Crier, there was a visit from Stormy Stan from the RNLI. Ady Byng's Pig Racing was next up followed by the RNLI Auction. The FOS Brothers were due to play outside on the stage but due to the inclement weather this was replaced by a well received solo gig by Sam McCrory from FOS. Perhaps as well it was inside, by this time the gazebo over the stage had given up and was reduced to a tangles mass.

At 9pm the final act of the day was a closing speech from Cllr. Joan Atkins, Mayor of Teignmouth.

The first cask to sell out was Milk Stout from Bristol Beer Factory, soon followed by Teignmouth's Sunshine IPA our festival special.
£356 was raised for the RNLI from the pig racing and the auction.
Clearwater's Honey Beer won the North Devon Beer of the Festival award. The presentation was made to Brett Stevens, the brewer, during the festival 'Thank You' trip on the 9th September to Bideford, Appledore, Beaford and Speyton. More details of the trip can be found here
Judging for the CAMRA South West Champion Beer of Britain took place on Friday morning, it was won by St Austell's Proper Job. This will now go forward to the next round with the opportunity to be judged the Champion Beer of Britain.

The event was generally judged to have been a great success, thanks, of course, to all the unpaid volunteers who gave generously of their time, over the last six months, to make this event happen
We must also thank TS Partners who were the main sponsors and all the other pubs, breweries, companies and individuals who also sponsored in some way

South Devon CAMRA hope everyone who attended enjoyed both the event and the beers and ciders. We look forward to meeting you all again in 2024, dates etc. will be announced on this website as soon as they are confirmed.

A message from Dave Buckler, Festival Organiser

Sunshine Beer & Cider Festive programme 2023

Ready to open The view from the stage The Mayor (right) with Dave Buckler Festival Organiser Ady Byng Pig Racing Stormy Stan (right) with Clive our Bar Manager Placing their bets