Saturday Social - 19th August 2023
A few of us met early for breakfast at The Richard Hopkins prior to catching the 271 'Haytor Hoppa' bus. The rest of the party joined at Newton Abbot bus station for the 45 minute trip to Widecombe-in-the-Moor.
Previously the 271 was a Stagecoach service, running daily during the summer. This has now been replaced by a Saturdays only Country Bus service doing four circuits of its route from Newton Abbot via Bovey Tracey, Widecombe, Manaton, Bovey Tracey again and back to Newton Abbot. We joined for the second circuit of the day and arrived, in Widecombe conveniently around opening time.
A short walk soon brought us to The Rugglestone Inn, an excellent hostelry, the recipient of numerous awards for the quality of its beer. Most recently it was our 'Rural Pub of the Year' for 2022. Here our choices were Dark Star Hophead, Dartmoor Legend and Teignworthy Moor Beer all dispensed by gravity directly from the casks behind the bar.
We left the Rugglestone in time for a quick one in the Old Inn, a large Hall & Woodhouse pub in the centre of the village and conveniently close to the bus stop. By now the 271 was on its third circuit of the day, so it was important to us not to miss it. There were thirteen of us, so this was about half a bus load, fortunately we all got on the bus with the last man standing.
We now had to choose where our next stop was to be. As there was only one more bus after this it had to be our last call before the return to Newton Abbot. The choice was Manaton and the Kestor Inn rather than the pubs of Bovey Tracey. This was because this was the first time, in our memory, the 271 had called at Manaton and it was the first time many of us had been to The Kestor.
We were not disappointed, there was Dartmoor Legend, Teignworthy Neap Tide and Thirsty Blond plus Sam's Dry Cider all on hand-pumps. It was now a pleasant, warm afternoon and we were able to pass the two and a half hours before the next bus quite happily sitting in the garden.
We were returned to Newton Abbot on time so we could all catch our onward buses or trains. Our thanks must go to the Country Bus driver, it was the same one all day, for his promptness and understanding also to Country Bus for a modern, comfortable bus. Let's hope that next year the 271 will be a daily service
Details of our next social outing can be found by clicking here.
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Rugglestone Bar
Today's Team
The Old Inn
The Kestor Inn
The Kestor Inn
The Kestor Bar