South Devon

Christmas Social 2023

The Torbay Inn Torbay Inn Bar

This year's Christmas Social was held on the afternoon of 9th December at The Torbay Inn, Paignton. This proved to be an excellent venue, we took over the lounge and filled it to capacity. Landlady Sue provided a table full of buffet for the 40 members present. It looked a lot initially but somehow seemed to soon disappear! Whilst the food was being enjoyed there was the beer selection to help wash it down. There were four hand pumps in operation, supplying Tribute, Legend, Wye Valley HPA and Sea Fury all in fine form and, with the generous CAMRA discount, at around £3.70 a pint I think...
After the food had settled, it was time for the Quiz. Bob, our branch Chairman, kindly provided the questions and, when it came to judging time, most of the answers! This is when you would expect the brightest, sharpest members to come to the fore, so we were quite surprised when a team consisting of two of our friends from Exeter Branch emerged as winners....
Once the brains had cooled after the quiz, our next diversion was the Raffle. There were lots of prizes, mostly containing alcohol! A big thank you must go to Salcombe Brewery and several of our branch members for donating prizes.
After the distribution of the raffle prizes, all that was left was to continue testing the beer which remained in excellent form until we all wandered off homeward

Thanks must go to Billy for organising the venue, Sue at the pub for the buffet and loan of a microphone, Bob for the quiz and to all our members who turned up and paid up!

We hope to see you all again at our next monthly meeting on Tuesday 12th December from 7.30pm in the upstairs room at the Paignton Conservative Club see

The food arrives The Bar

Quiz Master Bob The Quiz

Deep in thought Tubby the snowman

More photos can be found here